Boost Your Health and Wallet with These 20+ Affordable Nutritious Foods

75. Artichokes

Best Place to Buy: Farmer’s Market
Price: $*
Benefits: Helps relieve constipation

Artichaut ©pilipphoto/Shutterstock.comArtichaut ©pilipphoto/

76. Cranberries

Best Place to Buy: Organic Market
Price: $2.78 per pound*
Benefits: Contains antioxidants, can prevent UTIs, reduce inflammation 

Cranberries @thefrozenbiscuit/PinterestCranberries @thefrozenbiscuit/Pinterest

Cranberries are a delectable and tart fruit that can be savored in numerous forms, whether consumed fresh or as a juice. Nevertheless, it is important to avoid excessive consumption of these berries, as it can result in digestive problems and the formation of kidney stones. Cranberries contain a wealth of vital nutrients such as Vitamin C and E, which act as antioxidants to neutralize harmful free radicals in the body. The Cleveland Clinic asserts that regular consumption of cranberries can effectively prevent urinary tract infections, dental cavities, and even cancer. Furthermore, their anti-inflammatory properties offer significant benefits for both heart and digestive health. In order to derive the most optimal health advantages from cranberries, it is recommended to consume one cup of fresh berries.

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